Philippe Wattez
Cultural mediator, artist, essayist is French and is born in Douai on 6th September 1967
Academic path
From 1989 to 1991 – Istituto per L’Arte e il Restauro of Florence, Diploma in Painting Restoration.
From 1987 to 1988 – Gilbert Le Faure Center (IPEDEC) of Paris, Diploma in Decorative Painting.
From 1984 to 1986 – Saint Luc Institute of Tournai (Belgium), Diploma in Plastic Arts.
Career history
Summer season 2024 _ Musée de la Préfecture de Police de Paris, Médiateur culturel.
2023 _ Internships mediation culturelle. Louvre Lens. Musée de la Préfecture de police de Paris. The Compagnie du Dragon de Calais
Summer season 2022 _ Espace culturel des betises de Cambrai, mediateur culturel, exposition Florence Cestac & Philippe Wattez
Depuis 2021_ Writing and realization of an illustrated popularization essay on Modern Sculpture, published in auto edition until 2025
Summer season 2019_ Musée du Vêtement Provençal, médiateur culturel, animation d’ateliers créatifs pour l’exposition Philippe Wattez. Organized for the publication of an illustrious popularization essay on modern painting: « A brief consideration of modern art » – Self-edition with participatory finance (Kiss Kiss Bank Bank)
Depuis 2018 _ The exhibition «L’Atelier des Modernes» was scheduled in several towns in France.
2016/2018 _ Creation of the traveling exhibition: «L’Atelier des Modernes»
2004/2016 _ Italy, Freelance painter
- Ozlab Fun Factory scenography studio : conception and realization of décor – Aqualandia attraction park, Jesolo (Italy)
- Mobil Project architecture studio : international decoration missions – prestige buildings – hotels, luxury residences – in Dubai – UAE. Daman – Arabian Arabia, to London – Grande-Bretagne, to Évian et Courchevel – France
- Association Culturelle Ubik Art Pordenone: benevolent members, programming and subsequent exhibitions – 14 artist painters and sculptors – accrochages, vernissages, communication and operations of public relations
- Decorative paints for particulars, public places, boutiques, bars and restaurants in France, Italy, Spain and Quebec
- Production personnel of regularly scheduled works presented to the public – the Hôtel Ca’Pisani in Venise in 2016.
1999/2003_ Spain, Painter decorator and paint teacher
2001/2003 _ L’Academia C-10, Madrid, professor of decorative painting – 10 levels per session
1999/2000 _ Atelier de scénographie Tragacanto, Madrid, painter decorator – creation of the replica of La cave d’Altamira (Santander)
1998 _ Ateliers de La Comédie-Française, painter decorator – 6 décors for the same year’s season
1996/1997 _ La Samaritaine, chef-decorator – development of 4 seasons
1993/1995 _ Regular collaboration with the artistic painter Jasmine Le Nozac’h sur des chantiers de décors peints.
1991/1992 _ Chypre, painter restorer Archevêché de Paphos, restoration and conservation of Byzantine icons.
2023_ Tourist guide training – Afpa/Lille Lomme
2015_ Photoshop and Illustrator training – Pordenone L.A. Training, Italy
1991_ Painting Restorer at the Istituto per l’Arte e il Restauro – Florence Italy
1991_ STD2A at the Institut Saint-Luc, Plastic Arts section – Tournai, Belgium
French : mother language
English, Italian and Spanish : fluent
Software Suites : Pack Office, Illustrator, Photoshop
Center of interest: Exhibitions, reading, cinema, music, tai chi